Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 30 and May 1: What are you aimimg at? Plus Thursday range time

In this message:
Thursday 18 meter range sessions,
Saturday & Sunday: "What are you aiming at?"

Coach Connie is launching "GSD Tigers JOAD Club" at her school in Cave Springs GA (near Rome GA)! She is looking for youth archers to demonstrate shooting skills on Friday May 13 at 10 am to noon. Please follow this link for details.

New Students:
Arrive early to select your gear and sign in

Training this week
NOTE : ( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session!!!

Eye focus-what are you aiming at?
Seems so simple, doesn’t it? Just aim at the gold and release!
Then why don’t all the arrows land in that sweet spot in the center?
Yes there are many factors in form that need to be addressed, but learning the technique for aiming can add improved results. The goal is to hit the target…so, be sure you are aiming at a very specific point on the target-not the aperture, not toward a target area, but a very specific point. Aiming is not done until the archer reaches “hold”. Aiming before that, produces inconsistent results. Aiming requires just a few seconds- but does require the few seconds, and we teach the basic 1,2,3 timing from the beginning.
Consciously get to hold, then allow  the time to focus through the aperture to the point you are aiming at. For barebow shooters-although there is no focus through the aperture-the training is the same.
A common break in eye focus is watching the arrow in flight-a quick turn of the head results in a change of eye focus right at the last second, changing the aiming point. Eyes should remain on the target at the chosen aiming point –“laser pointed”; head remains steady, fingers are released by the last rotation and coil of the scapula to the spine.

Take a look at world champion Brady Ellison and how his eye focus remains at the target after the release of the arrow.


Saturday/Sunday Training:
Saturday:10:30 a.m. -11:30 am;
9 METER Class. Limit 16.
arrive before 10:15 - to gear up and check in
Advanced/intermediate students may stay after for  18 meter distance shooting til noon. ORIENTATION FOLLOWS AT 1 PM

Sunday; 3:30 pm -4:30 pm 
9 meter Class. Limit 16.  (arrive before 3:15)
Advanced/intermediate students may stay after for  18 meter distance shooting

Parents, please share the class plan info with your students!!

New students-
Arrive early to get your gear and set up.
Select a bow that has no sight, and "claim" it by adding a sight.
Thursday 18 meter Range time-Open
Make gains by having a midweek practice session.  Small classes. Available only for adults after orientation or youth that have attended at least 3 sessions. Coach approval may be needed for youth if not JOAD.
Registration required: Please simply drop us an email to  with name, age (or if adult) and that you plan to attend. No DOODLE  for registrations for Thursdays at this time!
   Arrive by 7 pm for check in and gear up as distance is 18 meters.
  Thursdays: 7:30 PM start ; (7PM arrival)

 Any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15). by the 3rd visit. Join  at:  
 choose "Learn Archery" as your club affiliation

To earn rank/pins: 2 memberships needed

1.You will need a current  Learn Archery  2016 membership   and a USA Archery full membership to earn rank and receive pins/lanyards. Join Learn Archery at the range with paperwork from link above.

2.Join online for USA Archery membership. USA Archery JOAD(youth)/AAP(adult) Membership Application
(You can  always upgrade your EXISTING USA recreational  membership during the year if desired.)

To participate in weekend sessions , Please register on the doodle link provided above at the date/time selected for equipment and staff considerations. Please arrive  early to gear up, and sign in. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.

-Class fee for open sessions as posted is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing,  closed toe shoes ,tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

APRIL 23 & 24 : Wrist position, Thursday 7:30 session

In this message:
Thursday 18 meter range sessions,
Saturday & Sunday: Draw hand wrist position

NOTE : if you register for a session and need to cancel- PLEASE advise ASAP via text to 404-457-6766 as it determines how we schedule the slots and if others may fill the limited slots.

New Students:
Arrive early to select your gear and sign in

Training this week
Saturday/Sunday Training: importance of the wrist and its influence on back tension
The "set position" begins the motion of the back by placing the fingers on the string and cocking the wrist in such a way that the angular shot sequence aligns for the "coiling" rotation around the body. Often students cock the wrist toward the bow arm rather than away, which starts a linear arm pull and loses the strength provided from the back muscles. The goal is to set the fingers and wrist in a position to have the upper back arm (called "lan 2") start the movement, being pulled by the back, rather than the arm. We will also work with paint bucket drops to simulate this wrist position.
Left: Incorrect   Right: Correct
(courtesy KSL International)

We will also address arrow spine as it relates to draw weight.

Thursday 18 meter Range time-Open
Make gains by having a midweek practice session.  Small classes. Available only for adults after orientation or youth that have attended at least 3 sessions. Coach approval may be needed for youth if not JOAD.
Registration required: Please simply drop us an email to  with name, age (or if adult) and that you plan to attend. No DOODLE  for registrations for Thursdays at this time!
   Arrive by 7 pm for check in and gear up as distance is 18 meters.
  Thursdays: 7:30 PM start ; (7PM arrival)

Saturday Session  10:30 a.m. -11:30 am; arrive by 10:15 to check in and gear up.
 ( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session!!!)

Sunday Session  : 3:30-4:30 pm: arrive by 3:15 to check in and gear up.
Limit 16. 
( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session!!!)


 Any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15). by the 3rd visit. Join  at:  
 choose "Learn Archery" as your club affiliation

To earn rank/pins: 2 memberships needed

1.You will need a current  Learn Archery  2016 membership   and a USA Archery full membership to earn rank and receive pins/lanyards. Join Learn Archery at the range with paperwork from link above.

2.Join online for USA Archery membership. USA Archery JOAD(youth)/AAP(adult) Membership Application
(You can  always upgrade your EXISTING USA recreational  membership during the year if desired.)

To participate in weekend sessions , Please register on the doodle link provided above at the date/time selected for equipment and staff considerations. Please arrive  early to gear up, and sign in. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.

-Class fee for open sessions as posted is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing,  closed toe shoes ,tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 14, 16th an 17th: "Score" and Thursday range time

In this message:
Thursday 18 meter range sessions,
Saturday & Sunday: SCORE

NOTE : if you register for a session and need to cancel- PLEASE advise ASAP via text to 404-457-6766 as it determines how we schedule the slots and if others may fill the limited slots.

NOTE: If small registration in any Scoring session:
Multi sessions may be combined to an 18 & 9 meter session. For Saturday: blended to the one morning 10:30 session, and  Sunday blended to the one 3:30 afternoon session if small registrations. (Will update to closed/combined in Doodle registration info window , and those already registered will receive a notice that the session is blended to another slot and will be directed to the regular session registration). 

New Students:
Arrive early to select your gear and sign in & Choose a 9 Meter session.

Training this week
Note if you resister for 2 slots, you are signing up for two separate slots.

Using our Club Gear? Arrive 30 minutes early.

Thursday 18 meter Range time-Open

Make gains by having a midweek practice session.  Small classes. Available only for adults after orientation or youth that have attended at least 3 sessions. Coach approval may be needed for youth if not JOAD.
Registration required: Please simply drop us an email to  with name, age (or if adult) and that you plan to attend. No DOODLE  for registrations for Thursdays at this time!
   Arrive by 7 pm for check in and gear up as distance is 18 meters.
  Thursdays: 7:30 PM start ; (7PM arrival)

Saturday Session A: 10:30 a.m. -11:30 am; 18 meters
 Limit 12;
18 meter distance This session only available for adults or youth after orientation that have attended at least 3 sessions and scored. Coach approval may be needed for youth if not JOAD.
( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session!!!)
MUST arrive by 10:00 - to gear up and check in. Scoring STARTS at 10:30
Saturday Session B: Noon -1:00  ; 9 METER DISTANCE
Limit 16 for 9 meter distance
For all levels

Session may blend to 3:30 if small registration in any slot! This will be noted on doodle, and emailed to registrant.
Sunday Session A; 2:00 pm -3:00 pm, 9 meter ;Arrive by 1:30
Limit 16. arrive by 1:30 to gear up; all levels
Scoring STARTS at 2:00!!
Sunday Session B : 3:30-4:30 pm: 18 meter distance
Limit 12; arrive by 3:00
18 meter distance .This session only available for adults or youth after orientation that have attended at least 3 sessions. Youth must have scored.  Coach approval may be needed for youth if not JOAD.
( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session!!!)

Training: April 16 & 17:SCORE!
Learn how to play the game of archery!
Earn Rank if JOAD or SOAD
(see notes below as to which session you may participate in). If small registration in any class, the classes may be blended to one single class-check your emails for notification.

MUST Arrive early for time to gear up and have a practice round.

"9 meters" session with 60 cm face: available for youth, JOAD, OR for adults not ready for the 18 meter distance (requiring the 40 cm face).
This is the distance for all new students to learn how to score.

"18 meters" available only for intermediate or advanced JOAD, OR adult archers, needing the 18 meter distance for rank. Both 40 CM and 60 CM faces.
 NOTE: If small registration in any session:
Multi sessions may be combined to ONE 18 & 9 meter session. For Saturday: blended to the one morning 10:30 session, and  Sunday blended to the largest afternoon session if small registrations. (Will update to closed/combined in Doodle registration info window , and those already registered will receive a notice that the session is blended to another slot and will be directed to the regular session registration). 

Each month, on the third weekend we score.
You MUST register on the doodle to attend the classes at the session slot for the distance you will shoot, for staff, equipment and space considerations.
Arrive early to prepare score card, gear up, and have a sight-in practice round.
Those shooting at 18 meters slots must be 30 minutes early, or EARLIER if you use club gear as gear is only accessible between rounds

Parents, please share the class plan info with your students!!
New students-arrive early to  get your gear and set up.
Select a bow that has no sight, and "claim" it by adding a sight

New students learn to score, and how to play the game of archery at "9 meter session only.
Existing JOAD with full USA Archery membership and Learn Archery Club membership, may earn rank at either 9 meter or 18 meter session depending on rank needed.
Existing SOAD (Adult program) with full USA Archery membership and Learn Archery Club membership may earn rank at 18 meter session. Print your USA Archery membership card and bring it to class(join with links at bottom of this message)


Archery Class Training Details: SCORE
Indoor distances are either 9 or 18 meters, with either a 60 or 40 cm face.
New students ( adult or youth) will be assigned 9 meter distances as this class is designed to offer the fundamentals of scoring, while providing continued training to enable students to progress to further distances.

Each month, on the third weekend we score.
Great opportunity to learn the ins and outs of what each ring is worth, the power of the lines that edge the rings, what arrows may help in a strategy to gain points, and how to keep score.
If students are a member of the Learn Archery & USA Archery JOAD/SOAD program, they can use this session to earn rank and pin awards. This continual "dry-run" makes scoring at a Tournament event more comfortable .
Youth are to learn how to do this, independent of parental supervision.

Scoring Class Basics:
Please arrive early to obtain and fill out your score card with name, distance, and date .
  • First scoring arrow begins at time slot of session. Arrive early  to have practice/sight-in shots.
  • In order to complete the 30 arrows for indoors, students must be geared up and on the line at start of class, with scorecard filled out and ready to go.
  • Those with their own arrows may shoot 6 arrows each end which will allow completion of scorecard if "on time" start.
  • Earning pins? must be both a USA Archery Youth, Adult or Family member & Learn Archery JOAD or SOAD member- print USA Archery membership card
  • Those seasoned JOAD SOAD members using program arrows will start with three arrows, unless class numbers permit 6 arrows each end. ( student may not finish in time allotted if using only 3 arrows).
  • New students focus will be to learn protocol, and how to complete the score cards, and will shoot 3 arrows per end (will not end with a completed a score card due to time considerations.) Adults not scoring at their appropriate distance of 18 meters with correct 40 cm size faces, or students not members of JOAD/SOAD and using program arrows will use 3 arrows each end for time considerations for those earning rank , and may not end with a completed card.


 Any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15). by the 3rd visit. Join  at:  
 choose "Learn Archery" as your club affiliation

To earn rank/pins: 2 memberships needed

1.You will need a current  Learn Archery  2016 membership   and a USA Archery full membership to earn rank and receive pins/lanyards. Join Learn Archery at the range with paperwork from link above.

2.Join online for USA Archery membership. USA Archery JOAD(youth)/AAP(adult) Membership Application
(You can  always upgrade your EXISTING USA recreational  membership during the year if desired.)

To participate in weekend sessions , Please register on the doodle link provided above at the date/time selected for equipment and staff considerations. Please arrive  early to gear up, and sign in. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.

-Class fee for open sessions as posted is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing,  closed toe shoes ,tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 9 & 10: "Extra-Set", Plus Thursday range time-7 pm check in , 18 meters

In this message:
Thursday 18 meter range sessions,
 Saturday & Sunday: "Extra"- "Set" 

NOTE : if you register for a session and need to cancel- PLEASE advise ASAP via text to 404-457-6766 as it determines how we schedule the slots and if others may fill the limited slots.

New Students: Arrive early to select your gear and sign in! Select a bow that has no sight, and "claim" it by adding a sight.

If this is your 3rd visit-you must minimally be a USA Archery "Rec" member-see details in "MEMBERSHIP" info below.

Training this week
"Extra" -"Set" 
Using our Club Gear? Arrive early.

Thursday 18 meter Range time-Open

Make gains by having a midweek practice session.  Small classes. Available only for adults  and youth after orientation that have attended at least 3 sessions. Coach approval is needed for youth if not JOAD.
Registration required: Please simply drop us an email to  with name, age (or if adult) and that you plan to attend. No DOODLE  for registrations for Thursdays at this time!
   Arrive by 7 pm for check in and gear up as distance is 18 meters.
  Thursdays: 7:30 PM start ; (7PM arrival)

Saturday  : 10:30 a.m. -11:30 am;  
(Intermediate/Advanced students may stay for a short 18 meter practice An Orientation follows  )
 Limit 16
( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session)
Arrive by 10:15- to gear up and check in. 
Orientation follows at 1 pm.

Sunday : 3:30-4:30 pm:
Intermediate/Advanced students may stay for 18 meter practice
Limit 16, arrive by 3:15 (new students, arrive earlier).
( You MUST notify us via text at 404-457-6766 if you have a change of plans once registered, to open a space for this session!!!)

Training: "Extra"- "Set"
This week we will work on the movement from set/set=up to the bridge "Extra-Set", a movement which positions a lead for the scapula to begin the coiling "Lan-2" before draw/load.

Parents, please share the class plan info with your students!!

 Any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15). by the 3rd visit. Join  at:  
 choose "Learn Archery" as your club affiliation

SCORING To earn rank/pins: 2 memberships needed
1.You will need a current  Learn Archery  2016 membership   and a USA Archery full membership to earn rank and receive pins/lanyards. Join Learn Archery at the range with paperwork from link above.
2.Join online for USA Archery membership. USA Archery JOAD(youth)/AAP(adult) Membership Application
(You can  always upgrade your EXISTING USA recreational  membership during the year if desired.)

To participate in weekend sessions , Please register on the doodle link provided above at the date/time selected for equipment and staff considerations. Please arrive  early to gear up, and sign in. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.

-Class fee for open sessions as posted is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing,  closed toe shoes ,tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery