Monday, September 21, 2015

New Thursday Sessions, and 18 meter sessions start Sept 24

Starting September 24: Thursday sessions!
(see notes below as to which session you may participate in.

We have had a lot of requests for weekday sessions and will begin offering Thursday range sessions starting this Thursday, September 24. (Other days of interest to you? Please drop us a note!!)
This is a great opportunity to make gains by having a midweek practice session.
All students must have completed orientation.
An 18 meter session is scheduled at 7:30 (must arrive by 7). Specific requirements to participate!
 Registration will be via email for Thursday sessions. Simply drop us an email at with name, age and session you will attend. NO DOODLE registrations initially!
   Weekday Training sessions: begin Sept 24
   Arrive early for time to gear up and have a practice round
   Thursdays: after-school archery programs:3:30-4:45, all levels
   Thursdays: 6pm - 7pm; 9 meter Youth/Adult range time, all levels

   *Thursdays: 7 PM arrival/check in/gear up, with 7:30 start.
This is 18 meter range time, only for JOAD/AAP. (must be LA and Full USA Archery member to participate in 7 pm 18 meter session) Limited space.

NOTE: If small registration in any session:
Distance may be combined to offer an 18 & 9 meter session, in any session at coaches discretion.

Any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15)
Students participating in 18 meter range session must be a USA Archery "FULL" member, and Learn Archery Club member.

To earn rank/pins, student must hold a full "youth" or "adult" , or "family" membership, + JOAD Club membership rather than recreational.
Please print a copy of your USA Archery membership card and bring it to class for our records when scoring

Join online for recreational,( or adult, youth, family full membership level  if earning rank/pins) at   choose "Learn Archery" as your club affiliation.
(Note: You can not earn rank at Recreational membership level when scoring, but can upgrade during your membership year if desired).

You will need a current  Learn Archery membership   with the USA Archery full membership to earn rank and receive pins/lanyards.

USA Archery JOAD/SOAD Membership Application
Learn Archery JOAD/SOAD membership Application
Saturday & Sunday Classes:
To participate in training sessions, please register at doodle link provided.
Thursday Sessions-

reply or send note to with name, and session time slot you will attend.

Star FITA Tournament:
Coming October 31 & Nov 1st
Indoor tournament scheduled at Jim Miller Park
Oct 31: Adult
Nov1 (Sunday) Youth
registration details coming soon!
Please check-your division may have changed due to an upcoming birthday!
Divisions are based on the year in which your age changes-
for example- if you turn 15 sometime this year, you are a Cadet, no longer a cub.
You can always choose a more demanding higher division. ( example Cadet can shoot adult/senior)

Yeoman to the end of the 10th Birthday year
BOWMAN To the end of the year of 12th Birthday year
CUB To the end of the year of 14th Birthday year
NOVICE To the end of the 18th Birthday year (Genesis)
CADET To the end of the year of 17th Birthday year
JUNIOR To the end of the year of 20th Birthday year
ADULT/Senior Beginning the year of 21st Birthday year
NAA Typically:
BAREBOW or TRADITIONAL shot as adult/Senior (different categories for NFAA)

To participate , Please reply to the email with name , age, date/time selected for equipment and staff considerations. Please arrive  early to gear up, and sign in. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment.
-Class fee for open sessions as posted is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing,  closed toe shoes ,tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

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